Learning to Walk at 4 Months Old | Baby Walker Review | Dots and Honey Pots

Disney really puts out some great things for kids. From toys to movies, Disney appears all throughout my childhood - and I'm determined to show my son the humor in Mickey Mouse. Now that little A is 4-months-old, he has a burning desire to be more mobile. He's constantly trying to pull himself places during tummy time and, while sitting, he'll thrust his body like he thinks he's going to walk somewhere.

We decided that he had enough neck control (honestly core body strength, this kid is a beast lol) to introduce him to things like walkers and exersaucers. He's been in his exersaucer before, but it wasn't for long and he barely stood up. But, he's loved this walker from first use!

I'm actually impressed with this thing. Really. This isn't even new! Our neighbor has a little boy who just turned 1, so she's given us so many clothes, toys, and shoes for little A and this is one of them!

At 17 pounds, this is the view from the top. Depending on how lazy he's feeling, we sometimes do have to add a blanket or something between him and the edge just to give him a boost because he gets a little wobbly. All of the toys are easily accessible, and the colors are enticing. The buttons are easy to push, so he has no problem slamming his hand down and letting his music, and laughter!, echo through the house. 

At about 25 inches, little A does have to spend a lot of his time on his tippy toes. This is actually my biggest concern, yet a complete disregard to him. He really enjoys spending a lot of time in it, so much time that I worry about his little legs. But, if I pull him out before he's ready to stop playing, he will tell me! So, I figure he'll tell me if he gets sore. While he is not yet strong enough to do any actual walking with this thing, I have pulled/pushed him around my kitchen floor and he loves it! I know that's not what it's made for, but it rolls across the floor very easily so I know he'll be able to move himself once strong enough. 

All in all, this is a win in our house! It looks great, keeps this kiddo entertained, and is safe. And at the end of the day, this little man gets tons of smiles, giggles, and joy out of it. And that's all that matters.

Feel free to stop by Amazon and get this awesome walker for your little one!

Until next time, 

This blog post was not sponsored by Disney or any other company.

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